360 degree photo location thanks to JP Cullen

Electrification Increases Sustainability While Enabling Further Technology Advances

For the construction industry to become more sustainable in future, electrification will need to play a more prominent role in construction equipment’s move toward zero emissions. Equipment electrification and site optimization could also dramatically reduce energy consumption.


Hybrid combustion, such as found on the prototype Volvo LX1 Hybrid wheel loader, and all-electric drive technologies offer exciting productivity-boosting opportunities in construction applications.


Electrification also makes it easier to achieve the goal of automation. In the future, machines could be fully electrified with batteries, leading to the possibility of fully autonomous, driverless machines guided by computer.


Electric-powered construction machines will significantly reduce noise emissions, which is a particular concern in the fast-growing urban environment.


Volvo CE is currently sponsoring an electric site research project that promises to reduce carbon emissions by up to 95% and total cost of ownership by up to 25%. Click here to learn more.